Dorian Robertson

Personal Trainer

When it comes to health and fitness, I believe in consistent action and sustainability over all else! I help cultivate an appreciation of QUALITY movement paired with physical exertion to build a life time of strength and health. Sure, there are great "12-week programs, 1-month challenges, 90-day transformations", and i offer all of these things through this app, but by the end of the day, when you finish that, what's next? Building sustainable level of strength to continue to do and excel at the things we love to do is the end goal and achieving a great looking body in the mean time is the result of staying consistent. Im here to guide you with a plan and be that nudge on your shoulder when you feel like slacking and encouraging you to go further when your killing it! I want to help you spend more time taking action towards your fitness goals and less on thinking of what to do, all while keeping you motivated and supported along the way! let's get to work!

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Dorian Robertson